Book Reviews

Author Review: Joan Fleming

Joan Margaret Fleming was a British writer of crime and thriller novels. She was born in Lancashire and educated at Lausanne University. She married Norman Bell Beattie Fleming in 1932.

The Turkish detective Nuri Bey Izkirlak features in two of her books, When I Grow Rich and Nothing is the Number When You Die.  Her novel The Deeds of Dr Deadcert was made into a film RX Murder (aka Prescription for Murder). She won the Gold Dagger award twice, for When I Grow Rich in 1962 and for Young Man I Think You’re Dying in 1970.

She wrote 33 novels beginning with Two Lovers Too Many in 1949 and ending with The Day of the Donkey Derby in 1978. We currently  have 13 of her novels in the SMSA Library collection.


Joan Fleming in the Library Catalogue


Kathy Sale
SMSA Library Staff
Author Review: Joan Fleming

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