Book Reviews

Monsters in Our Midst by Robert Bloch (ed.)

Monsters in Our Midst is edited by Robert Bloch, the award-winning author of Psycho, and is a collection of creepy short stories by ten different authors like Ray Bradbury, Ramsey Campbell, Jonathan Carroll, Charles Grant, and Richard Christian Matheson. An anthology filled with people who look just like you and me, each of these stories reveals the darkness of the human soul; nothing is more frightening than the unspeakable acts humans commit upon one another. All the characters in this anthology are chillingly believable – they could (and probably do) very well exist, and you’d never know it any better than their victims would. “The Moment the Face Falls” by Williamson, “Fee Fie Foe Fum” by Bradbury, “A Gentle Breeze Blowing”, “For You to Judge”, and “Judgement” were the most memorable stories, but all are worth the effort. Library Staff

Monsters in Our Midst by Robert Bloch (ed.)

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