Book Reviews

Improbable Libraries by Alex Johnson

Libraries are purposed to house books. Some books are, in reverse, written about libraries. Improbable Libraries by Alex Johnson is one such book.

As a keen reader and owner of a large number of books, this reviewer is always interested in books about other libraries. Such books are especially treasured if it has colour photos to show how people have designed libraries: the old and venerable, the new and quirky, the functional and the beautiful, privately owned or government buildings.

This small book is published by Thames & Hudson. It is, as other T&H books are, published on glossy paper, hardback, with full-colour photos where possible and informative text on libraries in existence around the world.  A pleasure to browse through on the spot or to borrow and take home.

Find Improbable Libraries in the SMSA Library Catalogue

Reviewed by Belinda Coombs
Mystery and Crime Reading Group

Improbable Libraries by Alex Johnson

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