Book Reviews

Benjamin Franklin And A Case of Christmas Murder By Robert Lee Hall

Benjamin Franklin And A Case of Christmas Murder By Robert Lee Hall is an intriguing tale set in London in the late 1700s where Benjamin Franklin, sleuth and detective is introduced. The author uses the ruse of an old manuscript bequeathed to him as inspiration.

This book, one of many written by this prolific author, maintains suspense, right up until the last five pages: a worthy enjoyable read and is an interesting alternative imagination of the life of the classic Benjamin Franklin that we have known through political history.

Written in a dated but convivial style that draws the reader into the story.

If you can relax into the dated style and language, you will enjoy this mystery.

Benjamin Franklin And A Case of Christmas Murder By Robert Lee Hall


Sunny Seagull

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Benjamin Franklin And A Case of Christmas Murder By Robert Lee Hall

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