Author Review: Roy Lewis
One of the authors that the SMSA Library has in its collection is Roy Lewis, who has written a total of 68 mystery books that I know of (4 non-fiction). There is also another writer named Roy Harley Lewis, who has also written some mystery novels, but to date I have not read any of his books. It is to be noted that they are sometimes confused when looking them up on the Internet. Roy Lewis’s books, apart from his histories about the ‘Victorian Bar’ and some sundry mysteries have as their protagonists :-
- John Crow – a Police Inspector. SMSA has 6 of the 8 Jim Crow books written, including Nothing but Foxes and A Relative Distance
- Arnold Landon – a self taught archaeologis. SMSA has 19 of the 22 Arnold Landon books written, including A Grave Error and Dragon Head.
- Eric Ward – a Solicitor. SMSA has 7 out of 17 Eric Ward books in the library, including A Necessary Dealing.
- Of his other novels, SMSA has 7 out of the 17.
List of Roy Lewis Books I first read one of his Arnold Landon mysteries (I cannot remember which as it was a long time ago) and was intrigued by the way in which present crime and past events intermingled. I have since read most of the books available and have always found them enjoyable. I did take the trouble to check on some of the details mentioned in the books, and found them to be accurate. I do like an author who takes the trouble to do research. Of course, some things can only be speculative because there is no written record. Tom Thorburn Director, Board of the SMSA and Life Member