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Members’ Group: Social Bridge – Postponed until Friday 4th August 2023

Members’ Group: Social Bridge – Postponed until Friday 4th August 2023
May 25, 2023

Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts Social Bridge Members’ Group is currently paused and will recommence on Friday 4th August 2023. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Bridge is fun exercise for your brain and a great way to meet new friends. If you are interested in joining the group from Friday 4th August 2023 please call 02 92627300 or email



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Access to the SMSA Library

We are home to a unique collection of books, a highlight being our Mystery and Crime section.

Able to borrow from the Tom Keneally Centre

We are honoured to be the home of Tom Keneally’s personal collection of books, many of which have been used as research for his own works.

Access to member only events

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Access to member only activities such as members groups

We provide a variety of member only events, these are relaxed social occasions to have fun and make new friends.

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