Book Reviews

The 6:20 Man (Travis Devine #1) by David Baldacci

Another new series from this prolific American crime author, The 6:20 Man introduces a new protagonist named Travis Devine to the reader. As with so many other Baldacci heroes, the main character works alone, emotionally severely wounded from an event in his past. Devine is unusual in that he is just trying to make a living in corporate America, catching the 6:20am train from a houseshare in the suburbs to New York City where he works in complex financial markets.

The first murder takes him by surprise as much as his corporate colleagues, yet a high level covert operative from the Federal Government contacts him for assistance in solving the murder, seeing that he is an insider to the case. The reader then discovers exactly what debilitating secret occurred in his past and from which he is trying to move on.

This reader’s personal opinion is that this series is not as enthralling as other Baldacci series/characters yet there is enough content in it, and empathy for the Devine character, to read the sequel The Edge, of which the SMSA holds a copy. The author tends to write series in books of five, so this reader looks forward to the next instalment in Devine’s complicated, dangerous life.

Reviewed by Belinda Coombs
Murder and Crime Reading Group

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The 6:20 Man (Travis Devine #1) by David Baldacci

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