Stasi Child by David Young
Set in East Germany in the mid-1970s, Stasi Child by David Young is a fresh, well written mystery. Here, in the shadowy world of communism, overlaid by the terror of Stasi overlords who pull the puppet strings, the plot develops.
This is a remarkable book — a debut mystery, written immersed in a sophisticated European intrigue of Stasi underworld machinations. However, the style is accessible and the words grab you and pull you along faultlessly, fearfully, giving you a shiver of anticipation.
The plot weaves in and out in deft moves, eventually linking all parts of the puzzle, incorporating some shocking moments. You are gripped until the plot is revealed in the last few pages!
This is a heavy thick book. If you can position yourself to support the weight of this book, you will be satisfied with a tight well written narrative. Highly recommended.
Find Stasi Child by David Young in the SMSA Library Catalogue.