Mr Darcy takes a Wife by Linda Berdoll
Mr Darcy takes a Wife by Linda Berdoll tells the story of Elizabeth and Darcy where Pride and Prejudice left off; at the wedding.
A word of caution however: the novel clearly states its intention to write what Jane Austen would NOT have written. That’s right, the spicy bits. You have been warned.
The narrative gets off to a good start, since who hasn’t wondered about Elizabeth’s and Darcy’s honeymoon, but soon becomes a bit melodramatic for my taste. The Darcy’s romping sex life takes up nearly 90% of the book – many might consider that a good thing! The other 10% is taken up with numerous adventures including bandits, near rapes, mysterious bastard sons and mistresses.
Not Miss Austen, indeed!
Nevertheless, the novel does a good job of transitioning from the romance of Pride and Prejudice to the reality of marriage. When things get rocky (and they do), Elizabeth having learnt the lessons of Pride and Prejudice is ready to accept blame regardless of actual fault, whereas Darcy’s stoic, arrogant demeanor edges slightly to meanness on occasion.
An enjoyable read, but ultimately I was looking for something a little more Austen, a little less Regency erotica.
Melanie Ryan
Program & Communications